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UMons publications

Hydrophobic VOC absorption in two-phase partitioning bioreactors; influence of silicone oil volume fraction on absorber diameter

E.Dumont, G. Darracq, A. Couvert, C. Couriol, A. Amrane, D. Thomas, Y. Andrès and P. Le Cloirec; Chem. Eng. Sci., 71, 146-152, 2012.

Nonlinear model predictive control of fed-batch cultures of micro-organisms exhibiting overflow metabolism: Assessment and robustness

L.O. Santos, L. Dewasme, A. Hantson and A. Vande Wouwer;  Comput. Chem. Eng., 39, 143-151, 2012

VOC absorption in a countercurrent packed-bed column using water/silicone oil mixtures: Influence of silicone oil volume fraction

E.Dumont, G. Darracq, A. Couvert, C. Couriol, A. Amrane, D. Thomas, Y. Andrès and P. Le Cloirec; Chem. Eng. J., 168, 241-248, 2011.

Caractérisation de l’hydrodynamique et du transfert dans un photobioréacteur pour la culture de microalgues

A. Massart, D. Thomas and A.-L. Hanston; in, Comptes-rendus du 13ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2011), Lille (France), November 2011.

Aperçu des développements et verrous technologiques des biocombustibles des deuxième et troisième générations

A.-L. Hantson; in, Comptes-rendus du 13ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2011), Lille (France), November 2011.

Extended Kalman filter design for acetate estimation in E. coli cultures

L. Dewasme, G. Goffaux, A-L. Hantson and A. Vande Wouwer; in, Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (Italy), August 2011.

Étude de stratégies de culture de Dunaliella tertiolecta combinant haute densité cellulaire et accumulation de lipides en vue de produire du biodiesel

A. Massart, E. Aubry and A.-L. Hantson; Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 14, 567-572, 2010.

Silicone oil: An effective absorbent for the removal of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds

G. Darracq, A. Couvert, C. Couriol, A. Amrane, D. Thomas, E. Dumont, Y. Andres and P. Le Cloirec; J. Chem. Technol. & Biotechnol., 85, 309-313, 2010.

Determination of partition coefficients of three volatile organic compounds (dimethylsulphide, dimethyldisulphide, toluene) in water/silicone oil mixtures

E. Dumont, G. Darracq, A. Couvert, C. Couriol, A. Amrane, D. Thomas, Y. Andrès and P. Le Cloirec; Chem. Eng. J., 162, 927–934, 2010.

Comparison of various alkaline solutions for H2S/CO2 selective absorption applied to biogas purification

L. Dubois and D. Thomas; Chem. Eng. Technol., 33, 1601-1609, 2010.

Panorama des trois générations de biocarburants : Enjeux technologiques, écologiques et économiques majeurs

A.-L. Hantson and D. Thomas; Invited conference in, Energies et transports durables, SFT, Le Touquet (France), May 2010.

Synthèse de molécules d'intérêt biologique. Contribution à la synthèse des bastadines

C. Decamps, A.-L. Hantson, L. Niemirowski, E. Capiau and M. De Meyer; Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 14, 593-602, 2010.

Optimization of medium composition of microalgae “Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher” in order to combine high cell density and accumulation of lipids for biodiesels

A. Massart and A.L. Hantson; in, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice (Italy), November 2010

Metabolic flux interval analysis of CHO cells

F. Zamorano, A. Vande Wouwer, A.-L. Hantson and G. Bastin; in, Proceedings of MATHMOD 2009 - 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna (Austria), February 2009,

Use of stable isotope labelled thyroid hormone to monitor the thyroid metabolism

A.-L. Hantson, M. De Meyer and N. Guérit; J. Labelled Compd. Rad., 50, 580-582, 2007.

Simultaneous determination of endogenous and 13C-labelled thyroid hormones in plasma by stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry

A.-L. Hantson, M. De Meyer and N. Guérit; J. Chromatogr. B, 807, 185-192, 2004.