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UNamur publications

Immobilization technology: A sustainable solution for biofuel cell design

X.-Y. Yang, G. Tian, N. Jiang and B.-L. Su; Energ. Environ. Sci., 5, 5540-5563, 2012.

Designing photobioreactors based on living cells immobilized in silica gel for CO2 mitigation

J.C. Rooke, A. Leonard, C.F. Meunier and B.-L. Su; Chem. Sus. Chem., 4, 1249-1257, 2011.

Hybrid shell engineering of animal cells for immune protections and regulation of drug delivery: Towards the design of "artificial organs"

P. Dandoy, C. Meunier, C. Michiels and B.-L. Su; PloS one, 6, e20983, 2011

Biofuel cells based on the immobilization of photosynthetically active bioentities

C.F. Meunier, X.-Y. Yang, J.C. Rooke and B.-L. Su; Chem. Cat. Chem., 3, 476-488, 2011.

Prolonging the lifetime and activity of silica immobilized Cyanidium caldarium

J.C. Rooke, B. Vandoorne, A. Léonard, C.F. Meunier, P. Cambier, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su; J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 356 159-164, 2011.

Novel photosynthetic CO2 bioconvertor based on green algae entrapped in low-sodium silica gels

J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard, H. Sarmento, C.F. Meunier, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 21, 951-959, 2011.

Whole-cell based hybrid materials for green energy production, environmental remediation and smart cell-therapy

A. Léonard, P. Dandoy, E. Danloy, G. Leroux, C.F. Meunier, J.C. Rooke and B.-L. Su; Chem. Soc. Rev., 40, 860-885, 2011.

Hybrid photosynthetic materials derived from microalgae Cyanidium caldarium encapsulated within silica gel

J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard, C.F. Meunier, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su; J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 344, 348-352, 2010.

Living hybrid materials capable of energy conversion and CO2 assimilation

C.F. Meunier, J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard, H. Xie and B.-L. Su; Chem. Commun., 46, 3843-3859, 2010.

Design of photochemical materials for carbohydrate production via the immobilization of whole plant cells into a porous silica matrix

C.F. Meunier, J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard, P. van Cutsem and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 20, 929-936, 2010.

Insight into cellular response of plant cells confined within silica-based matrices

C.F. Meunier, J.C. Rooke, K. Hajdu, P. van Cutsem, P. Cambier, A. Léonard and B.-L. Su; Langmuir, 26, 6568-6575, 2010.

Cyanobacteria immobilized in porous silica gels: Exploring biocompatible synthesis routes for the development of photobioreactors

A. Léonard, J.C. Rooke, C.F. Meunier, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su; Energ. Environ. Sci., 3, 370-377, 2010.

Encapsulation of cells within silica matrixes: Towards a new advance in the conception of living hybrid materials

C.F. Meunier, P. Dandoy and B.-L. Su, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 342, 211-224, 2010.

Investigation of different silica precursors: Design of biocompatible silica gels with long term bio-activity of entrapped thylakoids

C.F. Meunier, P. van Cutsem, Y.-U. Kwon and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 19, 4131-4137, 2009.

Thylakoids entrapped within porous silica gel: Towards living matters able to convert energy

C.F. Meunier, P. van Cutsem, Y.-U. Kwon and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 19, 1535-1542, 2009.

Energy from photobioreactors: Bioencapsulation of photosynthetically active molecules, organelles and whole cells within biologically inert matrices

J.C. Rooke, C. Meunier, A. Léonard and B.L. Su; Pure Appl. Chem., 80, 2345-2376, 2008.

Photosynthesis within porous silica gel: Viability and activity of encapsulated cyanobacteria

J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard, H. Sarmento, J.-P. Descy and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 18, 2833-2841, 2008.

Targeting photobioreactors: Immobilisation of cyanobacteria within porous silica gel using biocompatible methods

J.C. Rooke, A. Léonard and B.-L. Su; J. Mater. Chem., 18, 1333-1341, 2008.